Shaco support takes Smite, steals 4 jungle camps in 4 minutes in League game

In League of Legends, you don’t necessarily have to be playing the jungle position to counter-jungle the enemy jungler. With the right combination of champions, summoner spells, and strategy, anyone can wreak havoc on their opponent’s early-game plans. In a clip posted to Reddit earlier today, a League of Legends player caused absolute chaos in the jungle in one of their normal games by taking Smite while playing support. From minute one, this player rampaged through the opposing jungle, stealing four camps and earning two kills in the first four minutes of their game. The clip began with the Shaco player waiting patiently in a nearby bush while the opposing jungler, a Nidalee player, took their red buff. At the final possible moment, the Shaco player emerged from the bush, used Smite to steal the opposing jungler’s red buff, and escaped from the encounter with Deceive (Q). The Shaco player then snuck around the map, going invisible again to make a shortcut through the mid lane, and eventually ended up at the opposing team’s blue buff, where the Nidalee player had been making an attempt to salvage their early-game jungle clear. Another use of Deceive (Q) to get themselves into melee range allowed the Shaco to 메이저토토사이트  deal the last hit on the blue buff when it had exactly one hit point remaining. With double buffs in tow, the Shaco player did a quick lap around the topside of Summoner’s Rift before eventually returning to the enemy jungle, where the Nidalee player they had already stolen two camps from was whittling away at the Gromp. The Shaco player used another combination of Deceive (Q) and Smite to go invisible and steal another jungle camp before securing a kill on the NIdalee, setting them even further behind. From there, the Nidalee player shifted their focus to the bottom side of the map, attempting to take their Krugs—one of the only available camps left on the map. Of course, the Shaco player was on their way and eventually secured another kill on the low-health Nidalee before taking the Krug camp for themselves. Moments later, the Nidalee player left the game completely. According to League game-tracking site, the Shaco’s team went on to win the game not long after, as the enemy squad surrendered just after the 10-minute mark—most likely because of their numbers disadvantage.